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Health Initiatives

We are proud to be part of a global effort to eradicate polio, and we have made significant contributions to this initiative. In addition to our international work, we are actively involved in improving the health of our local community, and our members often support Health Initiative fundraisers hosted by fellow Rotarian Clubs in our region. We have posted a few memories here...

Lift the Lid Walk for Mental Health Research

Proudly supporting Dorrigo Rotary Club's 2023 fundraiser

Dorrigo Walk_edited.jpg

Dorrigo club members and locals led the charge. The event was also supported by Bellingen, Sawtell & Coffs Harbour Clubs.

Right, Bello club president Diana Christian runs ahead for a strong finish. She brought along eight supporters from Bellingen.

Defibrillators for
Local Organisations

Support for
Bellinger River District Hospital

Partnered with NSW Defibrillator Grant Program, we provided defibrillators to several groups in Bellingen, Urunga, and Raleigh.

It was a fulfulling moment for Bellingen Rotary when our Past Presidents Ken Lloyd and John Rose we able to present a healthy check for health initiatives to the local hospital!

Cancer Fundraiser

In honour of Marie Rowe, we hosted The Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser at Bellingen's Neighbourhood Centre.  Funds were given to North Coast Cancer Council, and  the Chris O'Brien Lifehouse. 

Left, Marie is presented with a beautiful blanket, hand made with love by her fellow Rotarians.

Bellingen Fitness Trail - A District Grant Project

Bello Fitness Trail DG & Sue and Diana C

Rotary District Governor joins Stuart Allardice, James Christian, and Diana Christian for the presentation of new fitness equipment to Connell Park.

MHERV - Men's Health Educational Rural Van

Leeanne Garvey, NP, heading to a Rotary meeting with Heather Connell and Golden Kennedy, after finishing two successful days doing health checks for men and women in Bellingen.

Please visit this page again soon...there is more to come !

Honoured to be Partners

Watch this space...more local businesses are partnering with us soon!


Bellingen Rotary is grateful to serve with so many local businesses committed to roll up their sleeves and support the community. The partners listed here are proud sponsors of one of the pages in this website. Their sponsorships not only make this website possible, it strengthens the number and quality of projects Rotary is able to do each year. When you see their logo, you will know that they are going the extra mile to help us communicate with you, and to support Bellingen Rotary's worthy projects. Click on their logo to learn more about who they are & how you can support them!




Jewel on Crown

All Senses Retreat




Jenni McLennon


Jenni McLennon

Watch this Space.jpg

New Sponsors

Coming Soon

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