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News and Events

The Rotary Club of Bellingen  is hosting a FUNdraiser Trivial Trivia Night!

Bellingen Golf Club, 1172 Waterfall Way
Bellingen, NSW 2454, Australia

Friday 14 June 2024
6:30pm - 9:00pm

TICKETS $25 for Adults & $15 for Children under 12

Save the Date!

Join us for a FUN night that will make a difference in our Community!

Join our FUNdraiser Trivia Night to support great community projects! …

  • Rejuvenation of Marx Hill

  • Bellingen Shire Dolly Parton Imagination Library (free books for children 0-5)

  • Refurbishment of Community Bus Shelters

  • Youth Exchange and Scholarship Programs

  • (Make a Loan – Change a Life!) – Microfinance for Small Businesses

  • …and more!​

Prizes Galore – Winners are Grinners, Raffles, and Between Round Games!

(Bring your smartest friends and book a Table of Six!)

Use the QR Code to book your tickets online, or make a direct deposit to BSB 533 000 Account 328 57668


...and You are always welcome to join us for a meeting! Email or phone  us for more details...

Meetings begin at 5:30  for 6:00 pm sharp every other Wednesday at Bellingen Golf Club, and those who want to linger longer can order dinner off the Thai Restaurant Menu 

Honoured to be Partners

Watch this space...more local businesses are partnering with us soon!


Bellingen Rotary is grateful to serve with so many local businesses committed to roll up their sleeves and support the community. The partners listed here are proud sponsors of one of the pages in this website. Their sponsorships not only make this website possible, it strengthens the number and quality of projects Rotary is able to do each year. When you see their logo, you will know that they are going the extra mile to help us communicate with you, and to support Bellingen Rotary's worthy projects. Click on their logo to learn more about who they are & how you can support them!




Jewel on Crown

All Senses Retreat




Jenni McLennon


Jenni McLennon

Watch this Space.jpg

New Sponsors

Coming Soon

©2023 by Rotary Club of Bellingen. Proudly created with                

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